Annual review of cognitive linguistics

Annual review of cognitive linguistics: Volume 4. Ed. by Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2006. Pp. iv, 287. ISBN 9789027254849. $150.

Reviewed by Taras Shmiher, Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine

The Annual review of cognitive linguistics has been published under the patronage of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association since 2003. The fourth collection contains eight articles, two interviews, and one review.

On the basis of an in-depth analysis of eleven functionalist, cognitive, and constructionist models, Francisco Gonzálvez-García and Christopher S. Butler, ‘Mapping functional-cognitive space’ (39–96), attempt to clarify the ontological correlation between functionalism and cognitivism. In ‘Introspection and cognitive linguistics: Should we trust our own intuitions?’ (135–51), Raymond W. Gibbs verifies how introspective analyses of language and thought reflect the ways ordinary people think and use language.

In Honesto Herrera-Soler’s ‘Conceptual metaphor in press headlines on globalisation’ (1–20), conceptual metaphors and metonymies of the globalization discourse are explored in headlines of Spanish and British newspapers. Marisol Velasco-Sacristán and Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera, ‘Olfactory and olfactory-mixed metaphors in print ads of perfume’ (217–52), concentrate on nonverbal manifestations of metaphors, uncovering the covert communication of advertising.

In ‘Constructions with get: How to get the picture without getting confused’ (21–37), Stéphanie Bonnefille shows how language and action are interrelated and to what extent syntax is constrained by kinesthetic scenarios and force dynamics. Cristiano Broccias, ‘The construal of simultaneity in English with special reference to as-clauses’ (97–133), focuses on as-clauses (in contrast to while-clauses), investigating how simultaneity between two events—a main clause event and a subordinate clause event—is encoded in English.

Seana Coulson and Esther Pascual, ‘For the sake of argument: Mourning the unborn and reviving the dead through conceptual blending’ (153–81), study how framing in situated persuasive discourse interacts with conceptual integration (i.e. blending) on the samples of prenatal and postmortem blends in pro-life rhetoric and judicial argumentation. Teresa Cadierno and Lucas Ruiz’s ‘Motion events in Spanish L2 acquisition’ (183–216) discusses the methods of researching how adult language learners express motion events in a foreign language. They hypothesize that the influence of the native-tongue thinking for speaking patterns might be stronger at the initial and intermediate stages but gradually disappears as the acquisition process advances.

Each paper contains its own rich bibliography. The volume also contains interviews in which Leonard Talmy (questioned by Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano) and John Taylor (questioned by Nick Ascroft) discuss controversial ideas of cognitive linguistics. Finally, Joseph Hilferty’s review of Teresa Vallès’s monograph ‘La creativitat lèxica en un model basat en l’ús (Una aproximació cognitiva a la neologia i la productivitat)’  (Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia Montserrat, 2004) closes the book.