Published by
Linguistic Society of America
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Since 1975, the Berkeley Linguistics Society has published the proceedings of its annual meeting, which invites contributions on all aspects of descriptive and theoretical linguistics.
Peer Review Process
Abstracts submitted for presentation at the annual meeting undergo peer review, outside of this OJS platform. For those papers that are accepted based on the peer review, authors are invited to submit a final version in PDF format, which is published provided that it meets any demands imposed by the editors on formatting and content.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
The Berkeley Linguistics Society began publishing the proceedings of its annual meeting in serial book format (ISSN: 0363-2946) in 1975. In 2003, all papers were packaged into online OJS journal format and published as open access content by the Linguistic Society of America, originally on the eLanguage platform hosted by the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. When the eLanguage platform was discontinued in 2013, all BLS content (1975-2014) was moved to the LSA's own OJS proceedings site, where missing articles and volumes were recuperated, to the extent possible, CrossRef metadata indexing was added, with DOIs being assigned to each article, and a system was set up to ensure that links containing "" re-directed to this site.
Beginning with the 2015 volume, the LSA will cease publishing BLS, as the Berkeley Linguistics Society is to publish all articles on the University of California's eScholarship platform.