Social media in the linguistic classroom: Discussing appreciation vs. appropriation


  • Monique Mangum University of California, Los Angeles
  • Iara Mantenuto California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • Lauren Casillas California State University, Dominguez Hills



introductory linguistics, culturally sustaining pedagogy, social justice, high school, inclusive education, cultural appreciation, cultural appropriation


In our paper, we focus on integrating topics directly relevant to students’ lives, a principle we consistently strive to embody in our pedagogical approach. Specifically, we explore the dynamics of appreciation and appropriation within the music industry, inspired by Garza’s (2021) work, as a leading topic for a module of a linguistic course. Through the implementation of in-class discussion activities, we utilized platforms such as TikTok, YouTube and Twitter (currently X), to center the modality and the topics that are of high importance for students and their lived experiences. Our paper highlights the benefits of effectively engaging students with topics that are related to their experiences and through the use of technology. By adapting and refining the curriculum based on student interests, we aim to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within linguistics classrooms.




How to Cite

Mangum, Monique, Iara Mantenuto, and Lauren Casillas. 2024. “Social Media in the Linguistic Classroom: Discussing Appreciation Vs. Appropriation”. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 9 (3): 5851.